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New Whitepaper Available! The Importance of Clinical Trials in Cancer Care

Your partner in
patient care

Serving as a trusted resource to achieve the best possible outcomes in medicine for your patients

A Shared Purpose

Advances in biomedical research are revolutionizing care. At the same time, identifying and gaining access to the best care is more challenging than ever. We support individuals and their treating physicians by providing the latest research, insights, and support to achieve the best possible care and outcomes.

Helping individuals by supporting their physicians

Serving individuals & families

Given our long-standing relationships with the world’s best physicians,  we can provide the best care and gain access quickly.

Comprehensive education, coordination, and decision support enables you to make informed decisions about their health calmly, with clarity and confidence.

We prepare you and your family to be active and informed participants at each stage in their treatment.

PHM is independent of all hospitals, physician groups, and health insurance plans, freeing us to focus solely on your health interests.

Supporting physicians

Physicians who work with PHM say our ability to collaborate clinically allows them to do some of their best work, especially for serious or complex problems, because we work as a complementary extension of their team.

Our team functions as a personal research arm for the patient and their physicians, uncovering the very latest research on diagnostics and treatments.

Our team works with the physician’s staff to manage the many logistical touchpoints and support full compliance with the physician’s orders.

How we assist

Care Guidance & Research

  • Personal Care Team led by an advanced practice clinician and supported by PhD research scientists and care coordinators available 24/7
  • Educate individuals on their condition and treatment options, providing decision support at each stage
  • Analyze and share the latest findings in the medical literature
  • Monitor and access advances in diagnostic technologies
  • Identify and evaluate clinical trials to find the most clinically appropriate options

A medical research library of approximately 1,500 disease and treatment reports

Coordination & Scheduling

  • Collect, organize, digitize, and summarize medical records and create comprehensive clinical summaries
  • Confirm that physicians have the relevant medical records, test results, and clinical summaries in advance of appointments
  • Coordinate care across all providers and locations to ensure continuity and communication to prevent errors
  • Handle appointment scheduling and logistics, and work with the patient to prepare prioritized questions and concerns
  • Monitor and support compliance with all physician orders

A global safety net of Western-trained physicians in more than 180 countries

Hear from other physicians