Client Story
How PHM helped Joseph and supported his family through uncertain times.
Joseph, a 41-year-old man with no history of health problems, contracted COVID-19 along with his wife and daughter early in the pandemic. His family recovered quickly, but Joseph was not so lucky.
A few days after his positive test, he had trouble getting out of bed and could only walk a few feet before experiencing extreme shortness of breath. Shortly after that, he began to experience a high fever and headache. He went to a tent facility erected outside a major hospital and was sent home with a portable oxygen kit. His wife then contacted PHM for help navigating this new, scary viral infection.
PHM quickly assessed Joseph via video conferencing and immediately sent him to the hospital, launching a sustained advocacy and care navigation period in a highly uncertain environment.
Joseph was given standard treatment of antivirals and corticosteroids and then placed on sedatives and paralysis drugs. The PHM team recommended that Joseph immediately receive plasma donated by someone who had already had the virus to provide an immune boost, along with controversial ivermectin treatment and vitamins C and D.
With continued advocacy backed by emerging data from PHM’s research team, the attending physician was convinced to change treatment, and Joseph was able to receive both therapies. But his health had deteriorated, and he was intubated and placed on a ventilator.
Weeks passed, during which time the PHM team frequently communicated with the family while ensuring the best possible care.
Finally, Joseph began to improve. His oxygen requirements decreased, he opened his eyes, and he nodded in response to questions from hospital staff.
He still had a long way to go, but his family was allowed to visit. It is rare for someone who became as ill as Joseph, requiring sedation, paralysis and venting, to recover. He is still recovering, but the power of PHM’s advocacy in the face of tremendous challenges put Joseph on a hopeful path to recovery.
To learn more about how PHM might help you or a loved one facing a serious or complex medical issue, please contact us.
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