
PHM Launches ClearCancerIQ™, a Proprietary Predictive Tool for Employers Seeking to Improve CancerCare and Reduce Spend

PHM Launches ClearCancerIQ™, a Proprietary Predictive Tool for Employers Seeking to Improve CancerCare and Reduce Spend

PHM introduces ClearCancerIQ (CCIQ), the first-of-its-kind predictive analytics tool designed to help employers size their company’s cancer risk through quantitative analysis of their health plan population. An innovation in PHM’s ClearCancer™ suite of solutions, CCIQ enables companies to develop high impact strategies to manage cancer at both the employee and workforce level.
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Innovative treatment for prostate cancer shows long term success

Innovative treatment for prostate cancer shows long term success

PHM believes in the importance of having access to cutting-edge cancer diagnostics and therapeutics, and we are excited to announce our peer-reviewed case report in Frontiers in Oncology demonstrating why. This report summarizes the case of a 73 year-old male who went from stage 4B prostate cancer to disease free.

Our client first came to PHM after a year of his diagnosis and there were early signs that standard treatments were not going to adequately control his disease. We connected him to a clinic in Germany using theranostics, a treatment for prostate cancer that was not yet approved in the U.S. He remains disease free five years later.

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Highlighting the latest in cancer research

Highlighting the latest in cancer research

Each June, over 40,000 oncology professionals, including physicians, researchers, patient advocates, and pharmaceutical representatives attend the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago, IL. This meeting is considered the premiere forum for the presentation of the most recent scientific progress made in the fight against cancer.

This year, our Chief Scientist and Senior Vice President of Research, Eva Gordon, PhD and members of our Personal Care Teams of research scientists and advanced practice clinicians attended dozens of presentations to learn the latest clinical data and emerging technologies. They also connected with oncologists, patient advocates, and technology leaders in the cancer community. Here’s some of the most exciting developments at ASCO 2023.

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