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Highlighting the latest in cancer research

Highlighting the latest in cancer research

Each June, over 40,000 oncology professionals, including physicians, researchers, patient advocates, and pharmaceutical representatives attend the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago, IL. This meeting is considered the premiere forum for the presentation of the most recent scientific progress made in cancer research. Private Heath Management’s research scientists attend dozens of presentations each year to stay current on the latest clinical data and emerging technologies. Here are some of the most exciting developments from ASCO 2024.
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FDA approves first blood test to detect colorectal cancer

FDA approves first blood test to detect colorectal cancer

On July 29, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Guardant Health’s Shield™ test, the first colorectal cancer screening test that analyzes a blood sample to identify molecular signs of cancer. The latest research shows that early detection of cancer improves treatment outcomes and survival rates and experts predict that having a non-invasive option will help to screen more patients and catch colorectal cancer at treatable stages.
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Published Research

The Importance of Clinical Trials in Cancer Care

The Importance of Clinical Trials in Cancer Care

Clinical trials are pivotal in advancing cancer treatment and improving patient outcomes. They offer patients access to cutting-edge treatments while contributing valuable insights that drive the evolution of cancer care. This whitepaper examines clinical trials as a potential value lever within employer-sponsored health plans, highlighting their dual impact on enhancing cancer care and managing healthcare costs.
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