Ask Our Experts February 28, 2022 Tackling Triple Negative Breast Cancer About 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetimes1. While the majority of these women who have this disease can be treated effectively or even cured, about 15%-20% will be diagnosed with a particularly aggressive subtype called triple negative breast cancer, or TNBC for short2. Read More
Ask Our Experts January 31, 2022 Treating Tinnitus Most people rely on silence to find focus, relax, or sleep. Individuals with tinnitus hear a constant ringing. For some, it may be a mild distraction, but others find it debilitating. For 2.4% of the adult population, severe tinnitus can cause a high level of psychological and emotional distress including anxiety, depression, poor concentration, and sleep disorders. Tinnitus sufferers have a ten-fold higher risk of suicide compared to the average person.1 Read More
Case Studies January 31, 2022 The Sound of Hope We experience life through our senses. Taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound work in harmony to help us understand and perceive the world around us. What happens when one of them stops working the way it should? Read More
Case Studies December 9, 2021 Helping Henry Find His Quality of Life When we met Henry, he had been experiencing pain in his left shoulder, neck, and lower back. He had recently undergone a CT scan which showed concerning areas in his lungs, thyroid, lymph nodes, and bones that were highly suspicious for cancer. Henry had been told that he might have lung cancer, thyroid cancer, or lymphoma and a biopsy was needed to determine exactly what kind of cancer he Read More
Ask Our Experts December 9, 2021 Making Cancer a Sitting Target Cancer is personal on many levels. It is an attack on one’s life and family. It is an attack on the body from within. And it is a molecular attack, as the cancer cells arm themselves with genetic alterations that enable them to grow faster, live longer, and steal resources from normal, healthy cells that are just trying to do their jobs. Every individual’s cancer is unique, with its own set of molecular abnormalities that distinguish it from everyone else’s. Read More
Case Studies October 8, 2021 Going beyond the standard of care In 2021 though, John knew something wasn’t right. After dealing with ongoing gastrointestinal issues and unexplained weight loss that was exacerbated by a COVID-19 infection, John underwent a CT scan and was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. His specific diagnosis (adenosquamous carcinoma) is a unique form of pancreatic cancer, which is a particularly aggressive form of an already aggressive disease. Read More